Witness the dramatic transformation of Mount St Helens. From its snow-covered summit to its smoldering crater, the prominent volcanic peak was drastically altered by the powerful eruption that took place 33 years ago.
Frank Hayes, a jockey, had a heart attack and died in the middle of a horse race. His horse won the race with his body still on the saddle making him the first and the only jockey to have won a race after death.
In 1856 the captain of an American clipper collapsed of illness, leaving his 19-year-old wife to navigate. Mary Patten commanded for 56 days while pregnant, faced down a mutiny, and studied medicine to keep her husband alive.
In 1981, how did Escobar manage to get so close to the White House without facing immediate arrest?
During the early 19th century, Ching Shih, a formidable pirate queen, ruled over the vast expanse of the South China Sea and engaged in battles against both Portuguese and British naval forces. She commanded an impressive fleet of 1,800 war junks manned by a staggering 80,000 pirates.